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Lunch and Snacks

Saint Panteleimon Nursery School has a packed lunch policy. 
Whilst we monitor the contents of lunch and snack boxes carefully, it is up to the child's parents to decide what to include.
We do, however, have certain requirements that must be followed.

No Nuts


Allergies - even being near nuts can cause reactions in some people

No Grapes


Choke risk - at home, it is advised only to feed them to toddlers by cutting the grapes into quarters and removing the skin

No Cherries


Choke risk due to seeds

No fruits with seeds


Choke risk due to seeds

No Crisps


Unhealthy 'junk' food that doesn't adequately 
support a child's healthy development

No Chocolate


Unhealthy 'junk' food that doesn't adequately 
support a child's healthy development

Gift Box

For birthdays we encourage healthy ways to celebrate. Please contact Management for further information

Find out more about how you can ensure your child enjoys a healthy lifestyle on the NHS' Change4Life website

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