Headteacher's Welcome

Since we began in 2009, Saint Panteleimon Nursery School has grown in strength every time we implemented a new vision. We believe in encouraging independent thought and the layout of our setting reflects this - each room covers all aspects of the EYFS and children will be assigned one room as their own with their Key Person. However, children are positively encouraged to move through the settings as they choose and discover, explore and display their interests.
Each room hosts varied activities and ensures there's a balance between adult-led and child-initiated activities, whilst taking into consideration the interests, skills, abilities and needs of each individual child.
We believe our mix of child-led and adult-led learning benefits all our children whilst also enabling children to learn and teach their peers. The majority of our children have English as an additional language and we are proud of the continued strength and resilience of our teaching of communication and language.
We hope to hear from you soon!

Andri Kyriakidou BSc, PGCE, MAEd, EYPS
Headteacher, Provider and Owner
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Special Educational Needs Coordinator
First Aider
Meet Our Team

Anjal Ahluwalia
Deputy Manager
Safeguarding Officer
Special Educational Needs Coordinator
Behaviour Coordinator
Health and Safety Officer
First Aider

Dimitra Kyriakidou-Caborn BA (Hons), MAEd
Second Deputy
Language Coordinator
First Aider

Sharlene Phillips
Third Deputy
Red Room Coordinator
First Aider

Natasha Burke
Green Room Coordinator
First Aider

Falguni Trivedi
Teaching Assistant
First Aider

Mary Kyriakou
Blue Room Coordinator
First Aider

Philippa Hutchinson
Teaching Assistant
First Aider

Khloe Barton
Yellow Room Cordinator
First Aider

Neha Vekariya
Teaching Assistant
First Aider

Miranda Colwill
Teaching Assistant
First Aider

Kayleigh Watt
Teaching Assistant
First Aider

Christos Kyriakidis
Operations Manager
Teaching Assistant
EYITT Trainee
First Aider